akira banerjee

phd researcher


Akira (officially named Nilosmita) is a PhD researcher at Laboratory of Addictology and Medical Psychology at Université libre de Bruxelles (Brussels) in collaboration with the Cognition Ecology and Behaviour Lab at University of Gent (Gent) in Belgium. She works in the field of Experimental and Cognitive Psychology. She researches in the field of Decision-making, specifically investigating impaired and risky decision-making, a hallmark diagnostic criterion in behavioural addictions, specifically focusing on gambling disorder. She received her Masters of Science in Cognitive Computational Neuroscience and Bachelors of Science in Psychology from the Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield (UK). She was a national-level gold-medalist in Psychology at A-Levels in India.


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Faculty of Medicine
Brugmann Hospital - CP 403/20
Place Van Gehuchten, 4
1020 Brussels